This chapter will tell you where to get all 5 of the elemental stones. All 5 stones are needed to create a magical item called "The Pyramid of Jofu"


Items of special Interest:

Pyramid of Jofu

Air Stone

Earth Stone

Water Stone

Fire Stone

The 5th Element

4 Books of Alchemy

1 Book of Power


Broach Clasp (Part 1 of 2 needed for Broach of Sniffling)

Broken Broach (Part 2 of 2 needed for Broach of Sniffling)

Broach of Sniffling (Gives 30% Magic Resistance)


Book of Action (Gives +1 attacks per round to the reader)


Potion of Vigor (Gives +30 stamina permanently)


NPCs of interest:

Brim: A huge but simple minded Golian Giant. He is prone to running away if he is hurt in battle but will crush anybody in his path until then.

Lane: A gnome who is trapped in his home. He is located at the big red on map 3 below.

Wealvin: A shadow elven priestess. She is located at X: 56: Y:72 on Map 3 below.

The Pyramid of Jofu, when used will give you permanently a random power.

It can be used 4 times and each time it is used there is a 25% chance than each party member will benefit from the random power chosen.

To create the Pyramid you need the 5 elemental stones.

Air Stone

Earth Stone

Water Stone

Fire Stone

The 5th Element

Once you have all 5, select any one of them in the items screen and click USE to create the Pyramid of Jofu.

Then to u se the Pyramid just select it and click USE.

4 of the 5 stones can be had in one main map area and the 5th is in a village at the end of the "Hells Serpent". A large underground river.

To get to the area that has these stones travel west of Winterhaven by boat. That will take you to a large see with some desert islands in the northwest and southwest areas.

Map 1


The area to the northwest has some battles with elves but not much else of any real importance.

The SW island will have many battles with elves. The one large building on the island will have a group of dwarves fighting some elves. Join the fight and slay the elves.

When you do you will be sent on a quest to find out why the dwarves are getting older. Along the western mountain wall at X:0 Y:38 is a cave. You can't enter this cave until you have talked with the dwarves. Once you have, go to X:0 Y:38 to enter the area that has the elemental stones.


Map 2


Location 1 is where you enter the area and where you can obtain the Fire Stone. Defeat the elves and harpies. If you sneak up on the guard and kill them and then wait to see what happens there will be on of 2 outcomes.

Either the group will spot you or they will begin to fight among themselves. If you play your cards right you can capture a wounded harpy who will give you a map pointing out point 3. This will allow you to prepare for the battle with the dragons at point 3 and the battle will not be as hard.

Location 2 is a village that is being set up for ambush by a bunch of snail jockeys. If you get into conflict with them you will be offered to join as mercenaries to invade the city of Snelvista. Join them.

When you do, each character will be put in charge of a group of mercenaries. Once you have defeated the snail jockeys you will be offered a reward. When you choose your reward pick item 4 as it is the Earth Stone.

You will then also get to choose one of the other treasures. However, you HAVE to take the Earth Stone first if you want to get both the stone and a treasure.

Location 3 is a large family of dragons. They have the Air Stone. The battle is tough but you can make it easier provided you played your cards right at point 1. If you do, a harpy will give you a map to point 3 and warn you of the dangers. This allows you to cut the number of dragons that oppose you by quite a bit.

Location 4 does not contain an Elemental stone. It is the location of Snelvista. The city you attack as mercenaries when you join the slug riders at point 2. After your victory, search the one large building in town to find some treasure. Some books of alchemy and a book of power.

Location 5 is a group of 4 boats on an underground river known as Hells Serpent. If you board the eastern most boat you will find "The 5th Element" inside the former captains cabin.

To get to the final Elemental Stone, the Water Stone you must travel on a boat south. This will take you to the vast underground river "Hells Serpent"

Map 3


Location S: A secret entrance to the gnomish city of Snelflinbig

Location T: An old gnomish hermit.

At the end of your journey is a village of dwarves that is being attacked by a group of Golian Giants led by shadow elves. Once you defeat the elves and giants you can find the Water Stone near a pool of water at the west end of the village.

To retrieve the stone you have to become like the water. Click the ENCOUNTER button and Cast a Water World spell or Watergate spell. That will let you grab the gem and remove it from the pool.

NOTE: When you encounter BRIM, the Golian giant you will be thrust into battle. DO NOT KILL HIM IN BATTLE! If you wait till the end of the first round he will quit fighting and join your party.

The only way out of this area is to back track all the way back to the surface or exit via the hidden route to the gnome city of Snelflinbig via the secret passage. It is marked with a big red S on the map above. That S is at X: 40 Y: 1

For more information on the City of Snelflinbig see the chapter "City of Snelflinbig"

The spot on the map marked with a big T is where you can fine Lane. A trapped gnome. You can help him by clearing his field of deadly killer mushrooms. When he asks you if you are willing to do the job, say yes without asking for a reward.

To destroy the Shrieks you need to enter the fields, click ENCOUNTER and perform the actions "Pull Up Mushrooms" and "Burn Mushrooms"

If you ask for a reward he will only offer you gems, however, if you do not ask for anything he will give you a part of a magical broach. You can use this part along with another part you can find in a cave just north of his fields.

To get the magic item Broach of Sniffling you must find both parts. One part you can get from lane by accepting his task and completing it. He will then offer you a map to the city of Snelflinbig in exchange for the clasp he just game you. Turn him down to keep the clasp.

The second portion is in a cave north of his fields. After you defeat the shrieks there, use the ENCOUNTER button to cast a Detect Magic spell. That will reveal the second part needed "Broken Broach"

Once you have both parts go into the items screen and USE either one to put them together and get the Broach of Snelfling.

The Book of Action is in a small shop at X:78 Y:87 When you enter you will find a small dwarf holding a wounded child. Click Encounter and cast any type of healing spell or use any type of healing potion it will save the child and the shopkeeper will give you the Book of Action.

The Book of Action when read will increase the readers number of attacks in combat by 1. Example: If they had 3 attacks per round they now have 4 attacks per round.

The Potion of Vigor is given to you as a gift if you allow the shadow elf priestess Wealvin to join your party at X: 56 Y: 72 on map 3.